Augustin - translation to γαλλικά
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Augustin - translation to γαλλικά

Augustin (disambiguation); Augustin (surname); Augustín

Augustin, male first name; Saint Augustine (AD 354-430), one of the four Latin fathers of the early Christian Church, author, bishop of Hippo
Augustine, Saint Augustine (AD 354-430), one of the four Latin fathers of the early Christian Church
Saint Augustin      
Saint Augustine (AD 354-430), Catholic saint, bishop of Hippo, one of the Latin Fathers; city in Florida (USA); oldest city in the United States


Didot point
<unit, text> A variant of the point, equal to 0.3759 mm, or 1/72 of a French Royal inch (27.07 mm), or about 1/68 inch. Didot points are used in Europe. This unit is named after the French printer Francois Ambroise Didot (1730 - 1804) who defined the "point-based" typographical measurement system. (2002-03-11)


Augustine (disambiguation)

Saint Augustine of Hippo (354–430), was a Church Father.

Augustine may also refer to:

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για Augustin
1. Je me suis toujours inspiré de saint Augustin et saint Augustin était Algérien.
2. L‘église Saint–Augustin est pour eux un symbole fort.
3. Saint Augustin, 103 p. 47 ans, c‘est plus jeune que...
4. St Augustin) et avocat du «pôle normatif» de l‘éducation.
5. Il y visitera lécole, devenue lycée depuis, la Basilique de saint Augustin.